Training period in Plastic Surgery
The "Scholarship-Program" in the wordwide Centers for Plastic Surgery in Europe and USA 🇺🇸
Plastic Surgery has underwent an enormous evolution in recent years and nowadays it represents a demanding and interesting surgical field. For these surgeons who are interested in Plastic Surgery it is of outstanding importance to obtain a competent education in this complex field.
many trainees choose to complete a fellowship prior to taking up Consultant posts. These are usually in an area of special interest.
Areas of special interest associated with the specialty of plastic surgery include:
Academic plastic surgery
Aesthetic surgery
Cleft lip and palate surgery
Complex wound
Craniofacial surgery
Ear reconstruction
Genitourinary reconstruction
Head and neck surgical oncology
Hand and upper limb surgery
Lower limb trauma
Oncoplastic breast surgery
Pelvic reconstruction
Skin and soft tissue tumour surgery (including sarcoma)
Vascular anomalies