What is professional recognition?
Professional recognition means: A foreign professional qualification is legally equivalent to a German professional qualification. You need to complete the recognition procedure for professional recognition. At the end you receive an official notice. This states whether your professional qualification is recognised in Germany.
The recognition is always based on a specific German occupation, the so-called reference occupation.
Find out the reference occupation
In the Recognition Finder you can find out about German occupations and select your reference occupation. You will discover whether your profession is one of the regulated professions or one of the non-regulated professions You will also discover whether recognition is essential for you. Finally, you will receive the contact details of a counselling centre.
The contact details of the competent authority and detailed information about the recognition procedure are also available in the Recognition Finder.
Seek advice
Please seek advice before you apply for recognition.
The counselling centre provides you with all the information you need about the recognition procedure. You should also address questions related to financial support in a consultation before making the application.
The addresses and contact details of a counselling centre near you are available in the Recognition Finder.
Many members of staff in the competent authorities only speak German. Counselling beforehand is also helpful for this reason.
The following documents are always necessary:
- Application form or application without a specified form
- Proof of identity
- Evidence of your professional qualification
- Evidence of the content and duration of your professional qualification
Do you no longer have all the documents relating to your professional qualification?
If so, you may be able to provide evidence of your professional competencies in a skills analysis. The skills analysis is available for dual training occupations, master craftsperson occupations and advanced training occupations A skills analysis may be a:
- Work sample
- Professional discussion
- Trial work in a company
There are also other procedures in the regulated sector. For example you can complete an adaptation period or take a test.
Do you come from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or from Switzerland? If so, then you can apply to the EU for the European Professional Card (EPC) for the following professions: pharmacist, mountain guide, estate agent, general nurse, physiotherapist.
You can apply for the EPC on the EU website. You then do not need to make any other application for recognition.
Processing the application
The competent authority processes your application for recognition. You will be informed as to whether your documents have arrived after one month at the latest. This message will also state whether you need to submit further documents. If the documents are complete, it takes a maximum of three months for you to receive a notice containing the outcome In certain cases the competent authority is able to extend the recognition procedure by one month. Your professional experience may also be taken into account in the procedure.
The recognition procedure may also take longer. This is the case, for example, if a skills analysis is conducted because documents are missing.
Receiving notice
You are informed of the outcome of the recognition procedure in a notice. This is also sometimes called a recognition notice, notice of equivalence, notification of a deficit.
These are the outcomes for regulated professions:
- Recognition: Your professional qualification is equivalent to the German reference occupation. And you meet the other requirements for authorisation to practise, e.g. in terms of your personal aptitude or your language skills.
- No recognition: Your professional qualification is not equivalent. Substantial differences exist between your professional qualification and the German reference occupation. In many cases you might still be able to receive recognition, for example with a so-called compensation measure.
- No recognition: Your professional qualification is equivalent. However you do not meet the other requirements for authorisation to practise.
The outcomes may also have different names. You can find these in the Recognition Finder.
There are the following outcomes for non-regulated professions:
- Recognition: Your professional qualification is equivalent to the German reference occupation.
- Partial recognition: Part of your professional qualification is equivalent. There are substantial differences in another part. If you complete so-called refresher training, you are able to receive full recognition if you participate successfully.
- No recognition: The differences of your professional qualification compared to the German reference occupation are too large.

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